.....and then he starts crumbling..... He falls , He falls apart , So what do you do ? You watch ! You've always just watched. You might not be the only reason , But you have the biggest contribution for his deterioration. So every single time you make him feel unwanted ! You walk over his pride. You act like an ignorant ! You make him 'Unwanted' you a little more ! And then there will be a day , When you'll meet a man instead of a boy , Who will look into your eyes , And will tell you how he no longer feels the need to be near You..... Who don't open your profile every time when he opens his Facebook , Who don't dream to be with you anymore , Who will not say anymore that Your Eyes are so beautiful , Who can say you that you don't come to his dreams anymore , Who don't stuck to your photos for hours , Who can live without you , Who can survive without you , Who can see you to be with someone else , Who can breathe without you , ...